Everett in TIME OUT, and Emma and Everett get new beds.

This is Everett in timeout. He was hitting Emma so I put his nose in the corner. He stood there the whole time. When he was done I talked to him and told him not to hit Emma. He said "Okay" then went and put his nose back in the corner and started to laugh. He thought he was doing the funniest thing. Silly boy!
Everett taking his nap in his new bed. It is Emma's old toddler bed. He learned how to climb out of his pack n' play so I said that it was time to put him in this bed. It was really perfect timing. We got Emma's bed and still had the toddler bed up and Everett's bed. It was jam packed in their room. I put away the pack n' play in the closet and told him that his was his bed. He was so excited. He didn't take a nap that day. He was too excited and I think he just played in his room. That night when I put the kids down he thought is was the coolest thing that he could climb in Emma's bed with her. I got after him, pat him on the bottom and said firmly to lay down and stay there. He got in his bed, layed his head on his pillow and didn't budge. Such a good boy. He stayed in bed the whole night.
In the morning he was so happy to go with Emma into mommy and daddys room to lay in bed with us as Emma does each morning. We always heard him crying in his bed because Emma would leave him alone. Not anymore. Good times. I love it!

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