Emma wanted a haircut. I wanted to cry. Darn tangles!

 Emma has such beautiful long blonde hair and I LOVE  to braid it and fix it up for her. The only problem was she hated the tangles that came along with brushing it. I asked her one day if she wanted me to cut it off. Her reply was usually "NO" very assuredly. But this time her response was "Yes, I want to look as pretty as you." I was completely surprised. "Okay, we will do it tomorrow then" came my reply back. I asked again the next day and her answer was still a strong "yes." So off we went. I came upon a place and said this is it. Lets do it. She wanted me to get my haircut first so she can see how it is done. I did because I was planning on getting mine done as well. .
 Mine was finally done and now it is her turn. She hops up on to the yellow seat on the chair.
 The guy was good and very friendly. I was impressed with my haircut so I knew he would do a good job on her.
 Her hair is up ready to put the cover on. She didn't freak out at all. All was good.
 He is putting her hair in a pony tail getting ready to chop it all off. I still couldn't believe that all that beautiful hair was going to be gone soon.
And it begins!
 This is what it looked like afterwards. He took the hair up front. We were donating it to Locks of Love.
 She is still happy.

 We decided to do an A-Line cut instead of a bob because of how it was all cut off.

And the finished Project...

 All of that beautiful hair!
 But she loves it and that is all that matters.
I have asked her if she misses her long hair and she says "No!" She loves having no tangles and I am happy I don't have to hear her complain about her hair being brushed anymore.

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